(239) 694-8008

keep bugs outSummer is here and so are household pests! These humid and hot months bring insects out of dormancy and create the right breeding conditions for them to take over your home.


Here are some quick tips to help keep bugs out of your home this summer:

  • Insects don’t need a reason to enter your home and stopping these invaders in the first place needs a solid line of defense. Finding and sealing the problem areas in your home like the crevices and cracks in the wood panels, doors and windows, will help close off the entry points for sneaky pest invaders. The right exclusion techniques will create obstacles for bugs when they try entering your home.
  • Good sanitation and maintaining a hygienic environment will prevent insects and bugs from overrunning your home.  Inspect your bathroom and kitchen. Look for leaks and fix any seepages that may lead to dampness.
    Debris, dirt and scraps of food, and pet litter often attract pest activity. Ensure that your kitchens are clean and toilets spotlessly dry.
  • Seeing is believing. Don’t wait until you see bugs all over your house to then scramble to handle the pests. Take proactive measures. A professional pest control company, like Armstrong Pest Control, that specializes in pest protection can keep your home pest free year round.


If you need professional help with insects in or around your home, call us today at (239) 694-8008 or contact us here on the website and we will be happy to help you!